I forgot to plug Running Skirts, Vita Coco, and Ultima Replenisher for helping me have a fun and successful day out on the course. I almost forgot I was also supposed to mention Rental Girl who was wearing an I <3 BP on her back. http://cbs2.com/health/brooks.paul.t.2.1567295.html she was riding on the bus next to me and asked me to pin the square to the back of her shirt. Oh and the ride home was hilarious... Sue Baker was threatening to throw Raul out of the car until she discovered if you dig deep enough he has a good heart... ask him about how he helped a wheel chair participant along the course.
Monday, March 22, 2010
What a day! Part 2
I forgot to plug Running Skirts, Vita Coco, and Ultima Replenisher for helping me have a fun and successful day out on the course. I almost forgot I was also supposed to mention Rental Girl who was wearing an I <3 BP on her back. http://cbs2.com/health/brooks.paul.t.2.1567295.html she was riding on the bus next to me and asked me to pin the square to the back of her shirt. Oh and the ride home was hilarious... Sue Baker was threatening to throw Raul out of the car until she discovered if you dig deep enough he has a good heart... ask him about how he helped a wheel chair participant along the course.
What a day!
So the day many of us had been anxiously awaiting for months has now come and gone... March 21, 2010 the 25th Anniversary of the LA Marathon. My day started with my alarm going off at 3:30 am, I geared up and headed out the door to pick up Sue Baker at Balboa at 4:30am. When we were nearing our exit in Santa Monica we got a taste of the chaos that we were expecting prior to the race.
For months the new Stadium to the Sea course had been promoted, all of us veteran runners were anticipating madness because even though this was the 25th LA Marathon we knew to expect the kinks that usually happen with all first time races. So I took a detour and got to my pre-purchased parking lot location. We found some empty porta potties and then boarded the 5:24 shuttle. I was so happy to think we were on schedule...and then we got stuck on the 110 freeway! We sat on the freeway stuck in typical LA traffic for a good 45 minutes. At one point, the lights in our shuttle turned off and I thought oh the bus driver must be turning of the lights so we can nap like they do on the flyaway... um negative... one of our fellow males runners had to pee so he peed into a bottle at the front of the bus! Many of the women were jealous because obviously we don't have the ease that men do of simply peeing into a bottle. All I kept thinking was thank God I had the sense to use the empty porta potties before boarding.
I found out later yesterday that apparently there had been an accident on the 110. Many of the marathon shuttles were stuck with who knows how many runners on board! As we got closer to the stadium, we saw the mass exodus of runners abandoning cars and shuttles and racing to the stadium. I thought about it but didn't feel like adding extra mileage (and potentially hilly extra mileage) to my day. At some point, we figured out the race start had been delayed so Sue and I found our fellow LA Racers in the nick of time :) I wanted to wish my TNT teammates luck in person but I had to settle for texting them good luck because there was no way for me to reach them in the crowd. I also had the pleasant surprise of running into Joe Egan and his friend Josh at the start! I haven't seen my BFF Joe in probably over a year.
So in typical LA fashion the marathon itself started late. And we were finally off. I was not prepared for the hills or humidity! The body glide wore off fairly quickly so good thing I had packed some vaseline. TMI, I know, but it's the reality of marathoning. Oh and here's a tip for all the newbies out there... don't forget your sunscreen I have some really ridiculous tan lines today courtesy of my 2009 Nike Women's Marathon Tiffany's necklace and the ktape on my knees. I was hoping I was just dirty but this time it was actually a tan :( or burn I should say... at least I'll now have a base tan into the season so I should be pretty tan (for me) come June 6th for the San Diego Marathon! I hope that doesn't clash with my TNT plaid skirt :)
I'm not sure why but this was by far my toughest race. I've heard many friends comment that as well. Of course, there are a few that PR'd (Personal Record)... congrats Natalia & Raul! I walked a lot and had hoped to run the last 6 miles but it ended up being more like the last 2 miles. The timing chip on my bib didn't work so this will be my PW (Personal Worst) on record. Although, nothing beats the disaster of 2008 aka the Honolulu Marathon (my second full marathon). I might have come in under 7 hours if I hadn't stopped to use a real bathroom. Karen Cooksey, fellow LA RACER, was gracious enough to let me use her bathroom since she was right off the course. So much for not adding extra mileage or time. Oh well, I guess it was too much to ask to complete 4 marathons without stopping for a bathroom break.
Along with running/walking past so many landmarks of the city it was great to be surrounded by Legacy Runners (they have run every single LA Marathon). There are over 200 of them and I personally know one of them. I was happy to see Alan who I met last year but I was unable to catch up to him. He's an adorable older gentleman (legacy runner) who decided to race Jassmine and I last year. What ends up happening during races is that some of us will pass each other back and forth depending on our intervals or breaks or endurance during the race. Sadly this year, I didn't see many friends on the course because I was too slow. Last year, I saw Wayne Fong (legacy runner for both Long Beach & LA) , Dr. Conklin, Alan Cloninger & Janet Comer on the course. Although, I did see Susie Comi and Marcie Joseph briefly.
It was great seeing personal cheerleaders along the course! Many thanks go out to Bucket, Erica, Bridget, Tyson, Christy, Karen, Serene, Liz, Esme, Esther, Niki, Xochilt, DeeDee, Tia Emi & Julio, and of course my Mom & Dad (although my Dad was cranky it took me so long)! I hope I didn't forget anyone. And to everyone that texted and sent me Facebook messages many thanks to all of you as well! It helped me not feel alone along the way xoxo
For months the new Stadium to the Sea course had been promoted, all of us veteran runners were anticipating madness because even though this was the 25th LA Marathon we knew to expect the kinks that usually happen with all first time races. So I took a detour and got to my pre-purchased parking lot location. We found some empty porta potties and then boarded the 5:24 shuttle. I was so happy to think we were on schedule...and then we got stuck on the 110 freeway! We sat on the freeway stuck in typical LA traffic for a good 45 minutes. At one point, the lights in our shuttle turned off and I thought oh the bus driver must be turning of the lights so we can nap like they do on the flyaway... um negative... one of our fellow males runners had to pee so he peed into a bottle at the front of the bus! Many of the women were jealous because obviously we don't have the ease that men do of simply peeing into a bottle. All I kept thinking was thank God I had the sense to use the empty porta potties before boarding.
I found out later yesterday that apparently there had been an accident on the 110. Many of the marathon shuttles were stuck with who knows how many runners on board! As we got closer to the stadium, we saw the mass exodus of runners abandoning cars and shuttles and racing to the stadium. I thought about it but didn't feel like adding extra mileage (and potentially hilly extra mileage) to my day. At some point, we figured out the race start had been delayed so Sue and I found our fellow LA Racers in the nick of time :) I wanted to wish my TNT teammates luck in person but I had to settle for texting them good luck because there was no way for me to reach them in the crowd. I also had the pleasant surprise of running into Joe Egan and his friend Josh at the start! I haven't seen my BFF Joe in probably over a year.
So in typical LA fashion the marathon itself started late. And we were finally off. I was not prepared for the hills or humidity! The body glide wore off fairly quickly so good thing I had packed some vaseline. TMI, I know, but it's the reality of marathoning. Oh and here's a tip for all the newbies out there... don't forget your sunscreen I have some really ridiculous tan lines today courtesy of my 2009 Nike Women's Marathon Tiffany's necklace and the ktape on my knees. I was hoping I was just dirty but this time it was actually a tan :( or burn I should say... at least I'll now have a base tan into the season so I should be pretty tan (for me) come June 6th for the San Diego Marathon! I hope that doesn't clash with my TNT plaid skirt :)
I'm not sure why but this was by far my toughest race. I've heard many friends comment that as well. Of course, there are a few that PR'd (Personal Record)... congrats Natalia & Raul! I walked a lot and had hoped to run the last 6 miles but it ended up being more like the last 2 miles. The timing chip on my bib didn't work so this will be my PW (Personal Worst) on record. Although, nothing beats the disaster of 2008 aka the Honolulu Marathon (my second full marathon). I might have come in under 7 hours if I hadn't stopped to use a real bathroom. Karen Cooksey, fellow LA RACER, was gracious enough to let me use her bathroom since she was right off the course. So much for not adding extra mileage or time. Oh well, I guess it was too much to ask to complete 4 marathons without stopping for a bathroom break.
Along with running/walking past so many landmarks of the city it was great to be surrounded by Legacy Runners (they have run every single LA Marathon). There are over 200 of them and I personally know one of them. I was happy to see Alan who I met last year but I was unable to catch up to him. He's an adorable older gentleman (legacy runner) who decided to race Jassmine and I last year. What ends up happening during races is that some of us will pass each other back and forth depending on our intervals or breaks or endurance during the race. Sadly this year, I didn't see many friends on the course because I was too slow. Last year, I saw Wayne Fong (legacy runner for both Long Beach & LA) , Dr. Conklin, Alan Cloninger & Janet Comer on the course. Although, I did see Susie Comi and Marcie Joseph briefly.
It was great seeing personal cheerleaders along the course! Many thanks go out to Bucket, Erica, Bridget, Tyson, Christy, Karen, Serene, Liz, Esme, Esther, Niki, Xochilt, DeeDee, Tia Emi & Julio, and of course my Mom & Dad (although my Dad was cranky it took me so long)! I hope I didn't forget anyone. And to everyone that texted and sent me Facebook messages many thanks to all of you as well! It helped me not feel alone along the way xoxo
Saturday, March 20, 2010
The calm before the storm...
Happy to report I have been reunited with my laptop! She's all better now so I can return to my status as communicator extraordinaire. So tomorrow is the next big day in my life...the 25th anniversary of the LA Marathon and my fourth full 26.2. It's still hard for me to believe how my life has changed in the last 5 years and how blessed I am to be a member of the running community! Apparently, I've been channeling my inner Aurora (Sleeping Beauty) because I was late to practice and to dinner today. As much as I love daylight savings, apparently I haven't quite adjusted to the change. At least, I know I'm well rested for tomorrow. It will undoubtedly be a beautiful Los Angeles day! I'm wishing all the newbie runners the best race experience possible and for all the Veterans may we all have a great race! Can't wait to run through my hometown the best City in the World! And to all the spectators thank you so much for making race day special for the 25,000 runners!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Marathon Madness
Very excited about daylight savings because it means I'll be able to run outside longer and more often although I need to scale back this week since my next full marathon is 6 days away! It seems like LAM snuck up on us. There is so much buzz and excitement over the new Stadium to the Sea course and the race has sold out at 25,000 participants! The weather is finally warming up so next Sunday will be a glorious day for all! I have received my cheetah skirt so my race day outfit is ready to go :) I ran 7 miles on Saturday with my amazing teammates and walked with Sue Baker at Porter Ranch yesterday... we were nearly blown away! By accident, we took the scenic route and did more the 5 miles... oops. Oh well, we'll be ready for whatever hills come at us next Sunday. Excited for the Expo on Friday!!! I also just booked a flight to Boston next month. Very excited to see my good friend Amy and meet her fiance. Amy has run Boston a few times because she's super fast although she won't be running it this year. And more importantly, I will get to cheer on Kelley and Peter!!! Although, I'll be honest part of me is tempted to run the race with them as a bandit since that was the original plan. We'll see how I do next Sunday... That would be pretty crazy to complete 3 marathons in 4 months since I'm also training/fundraising for the San Diego Rock n Roll...
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Weather cooperates yet again...
So happy mother nature decided to cooperate yet again this weekend. We were finally able to do our timed mile and break up into pace groups. I was very happy with my 10:50 mile and I was the interim pace group 4 leader. Hoping my computer gets fixed soon...feel kind of lost without it :( Had a great time at Scrap for a Cure last night. Kelley did an awesome job as hostess and raised a lot of money!!!
Monday, March 1, 2010
Goodbye February... Hello March
"The distance race is a struggle that results in self-discovery. It is an adventure involving the limits of the self." Paul Weiss
February ended on a bittersweet note. Although, my professional life took a hit, I can't complain about my social life or training. I'm now a bit superstitious in my training/racing so considering the disappointing racing and training I've experienced in the past few weeks my 4th marathon will be a success!
I'm just elated that our Summer TEAM is maintaining high energy despite the ugly weather we've been experiencing. We had great turnouts at both midweek practice and on Saturday and even managed to have a lovely potluck before the torrential downpour resumed. Lauren's Menchie's fundraiser was a huge hit, Bucket's faux bday/Happy Hour was a success, and those of us who were able to attend Sunday Funday at Blue Dog Beer Tavern had a great time!
I am also completely blown away by how quickly, I was able to put together my next fundraiser! With the help of a few friends, my participants and I will be hosting Laugh for a Cure at The Comedy Store on March 28th. Really looking forward to this as a great way to raise money and celebrate finishing the 25th LA Marathon.
I knew there was a reason I <3 Dr. Drew! He's a runner, too :) His quote below, could not be any further from the truth... running is cathartic, meditative, and rewarding.
"I do recommend running as a cure-all. It's the magic ingredient and an important physical release. It has helped me look and feel better." Dr. Drew Pinsky, Addiction Specialist and TV Host
February ended on a bittersweet note. Although, my professional life took a hit, I can't complain about my social life or training. I'm now a bit superstitious in my training/racing so considering the disappointing racing and training I've experienced in the past few weeks my 4th marathon will be a success!
I'm just elated that our Summer TEAM is maintaining high energy despite the ugly weather we've been experiencing. We had great turnouts at both midweek practice and on Saturday and even managed to have a lovely potluck before the torrential downpour resumed. Lauren's Menchie's fundraiser was a huge hit, Bucket's faux bday/Happy Hour was a success, and those of us who were able to attend Sunday Funday at Blue Dog Beer Tavern had a great time!
I am also completely blown away by how quickly, I was able to put together my next fundraiser! With the help of a few friends, my participants and I will be hosting Laugh for a Cure at The Comedy Store on March 28th. Really looking forward to this as a great way to raise money and celebrate finishing the 25th LA Marathon.
I knew there was a reason I <3 Dr. Drew! He's a runner, too :) His quote below, could not be any further from the truth... running is cathartic, meditative, and rewarding.
"I do recommend running as a cure-all. It's the magic ingredient and an important physical release. It has helped me look and feel better." Dr. Drew Pinsky, Addiction Specialist and TV Host
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